Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Review...

January... we were about 6 months into Justin's deployment on the USS Nimitz, i was working on the house in preparation for justin's return home in March, was going to school at a near-by community college, and was working...

February... 7 months in, totally in panic mood to get justin's "Man Cave" done, still in school and working, celebrated Valentines day by hanging out with my mom. Justin sent me pretty roses, and Nathaniel and i had colored pictures and sent cards to Justin beforehand. :)

March- Nathaniel turned 2 years old the day before Justin flew into Des Moines after his 8 month deployment, the man cave was done, i was still going to school and working. Justin spent almost an entire month at home with us, which was such a blessing, as we simply could not get enough of him. :)

April- Because Justin was able to stay with us until mid-april, we were able to celebrate our Savior's defeat over death together... Easter. :) What a blessed time together! After he left, it was back to nate and i living our own little life here in Iowa with deep anicipation for justin's permanent return home in July. The Oskaloosa Prom was this month, and it being my baby sister's senior year, i played her personal paparazzi, and followed her around the whole day!

May- may brought the end of my school year at Indian Hills Comm. College, thank God! I continued to work, and work a little on the house. But mostly i was busy trying to help my mother get things around to celebrate my sister's graduation. I also celebrated my 2nd Mother's Day. :)

June- late may/early june i left for about 4 days in Virginia with Justin. his ship hosted a family day cruise, so i used that as an excuse to go spend time with him! i simply couldn't wait another month before seeing him! It was a great time! I enjoyed time off from school by spending as much time as possible simply playing with my son, and spending time with my family. I loved it! Also went to the midnight showing of Twilight Eclipse with my sister and cousin. Late June i flew to Virginia to say goodbye to friends, and to close that chapter in Justin and I's life together as i brought him HOME. :)

July- July 3rd, Justin and i drove into our driveway, bringing a close to our 15 month seperation. What an amazing feeling! I actually LOVED seeing his dirty underwear and socks littering the bathroom floor... but only for about a month, then it was just annoying. lol We celebrated the 4th of July with family, justin basically suffocating from hugs! Justin had two more paychecks secured from the military, but was able to get a job at Musco here in Oskaloosa, a true answer to A LOT of prayer concerning finding a job in this economy! We went to the fair, as a family and nathaniel thrived off having his daddy home! He changed in so many good ways!

August- I prepared to go back to school, only this time to Central College (my main aim) in Pella, IA. Officially starting my 2nd semester of my sophmore year at 22 years old, i declared a Social Science major, planning on getting my teaching certificate and teach high school history (US and World), along with psychology and possibly coaching. My baby sister also left for school, only at ISU. Justin jumped into work at Musco, and loved it! We packed the last few weeks of freedom with fun though, going to Adventureland, and The Iowa State Fair, as well as celebrating my aunt nona turning 50!

September-With school in full swing, my life became consumed with homework! We celebrated Justin's 23rd birthday, and the New Sharon Homecoming (as my cousin is now a senior! eek!)! I was also very busy at work with senior pictures, and already gearing up for the holiday picture season!

October- homework continued, and we celebrated my 23rd birthday! It was a busy busy month with my birthday, the Navy ball that justin and i attended, a visit to Carol's Pumpkin Farm, Holloween (for which we all dressed up for!). On October 19th, Justin and i also found out that we will be expected out next little baby Schaefer! We had been trying for about 3 months, and are VERY excited!

November- this month brought overwhelming homework, and work... so fall break (which overflowed with homework anyways) and Thanksgiving were welcome relaxation days!

December- Homework took over my life for the first 2 weeks or so, as we wrapped up the semester! i enrolled in classes for next semester, in which i will start my JUNIOR year! only 2 more years until i'm done! :) Justin and i took Nathaniel to the Oskaloosa Christmas Parade, and celebrated my Grandpa's birthday! Once break began, i only then began to be able to prepare for Christmas and went on a shopping day with my family! Christmas went by far too quickly, but was filled with LOTS of laughter, and family time! I'VE LOVED IT! We are now, at this moment, getting ready to walk out the door to ring in the new year with family and friends! What an up and down year! i am now 14 weeks pregnant, and am due July 1st! Personally, i am hoping for a girl, so am thinking *PINK* thoughts!

Goodbye 2010... you were pretty good to me and my family!

2011... i have a feeling you're gonna be filled with lots of stuff... hoping for more joy than tears! I am really looking forward to summer, and welcoming our new baby! as well as simply being able to watch Nate grow! That is the true joy in my life! :)